
Homework expectations

for our class


Dear Parents,

This letter is to inform you about the weekly homework for my class. We have Reading, Spelling and Math homework. (time-tables practice for math must be done at school as well as at home) every day.

For time-tables practice, students use the chart from their Planners as well as flash cards and a Link from my website for extra practice.

Reading and spelling homework is expected every week. Students must read for 30 minutes and practice their Spelling and time-tables everyday as homework. Reading minutes are checked daily and must be signed by parents/guardians in planners.

Students must turn in spelling homework daily. For spelling homework students must copy their spelling words 3 times each word, each day.

I will begin testing time-tables 1 through 12 in January, to give students time to memorize and learn them. Students should begin learning their time-tables now, so please make sure your student learns his/her time-tables in order to pass the tests in January and to facilitate math testing for them at the end of the year.

Time-tables make testing for students a lot easier and less stressful.

All homework will be established from the beginning of the school year, so students will know what it is expected of them. Homework will begin as soon as we start in August.

Please sign this letter and send it back with your student to confirm you received it, and to be placed in your student's class and homework folder.

Thank you for your support,

Mrs. Pulley

Class Dojo is the required form of communication for my class. An invitation note has been sent attached to this letter. Please Join as soon as possible on your Mobil device or online through your PC, so we can connect. All Class information and individual communication will be done through ClassDojo.

My class website is https://mrs-pulley-s-site.webnode.com/ 

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